Chocolate Oil Cake

Chocolate Oil Cake

Cholocate Oil Cake. This is something that was made for my Birthday and honestly, I’ve only good memories attached to this cake.


Starting off with melting the butter with the oil and water. Adding the cocoa powder after.


Adding in the sugar, flour, baking soda, milk, eggs and vanila extract.


I used seprate tins for this cake but if you use butter/oil to grease the sides you can use one tin and slice in half later on.


Making the ganache was not as easy as I’d hoped. Next time will deffo just use melted chocolate.


Heat the double cream in a bain marie.


When the cream was slightly simmering I added in the chocolate.


I coated the first cake with ganache on wire rack and then added the second cake on top.


Topped with walnuts to add some crunch.


Before adding the ganache you could cut the cake so the shape is less curvy. But, does it taste as good as it looks? You bet :D!

  • 12 Slices
  • 25 minutes
  • 60 minutes


Chocolate Oil Cake

  • 115g (4oz) of butter
  • 120ml (4 fl/oz) of oil
  • 240ml (8 fl/oz) of water
  • 4 tbsp of cocoa powder
  • 225g (8oz) of self-rising flour
  • 0.5 tsp of bread soda
  • 340g (12oz) of brown sugar
  • 1.5 tsp of vanilla extract
  • 120ml (4 fl/oz) of milk
  • 2 beaten eggs

Chocolate Ganache

  • 300g (10 fl/oz) of Double Cream
  • 200g (7oz) of Chocolate
  • 50g (2oz) walnuts


Chocolate Oil Cake

  1. Add the butter, oil, water and cocoa powder to a pot.
  2. Gently heat it up to melt the butter.
  3. Add in the sugar until it is desolved.
  4. Turn off the heat.
  5. Add in the flour gradually.
  6. Add in the bread soda. (It’s ok to not have this in)
  7. Add in the milk.
  8. Beat the eggs in a seprate bowl and add it to the mix.
  9. Add in the Vanilla Extract.
  10. Transfer the mixture to a greaced tin or two greaced tins.


  1. Bake for 50-65 mins at 180°C (360°F).
  2. Let it cool for 10-20 mins and place it on a wire rack to cool more.

Chocolate Ganache

  1. Add the double cream to a bain marie and heat it up.
  2. If you have a chocolate bar, finly chop it up and add it to a big bowl.
  3. When the cream starts to simmer take it off the heat and add it to the bowl of finely chopped chocolate. (I added the chocolate to the heated cream and worked just as well)
  4. Wait 2-3 minutes and start to stir.
  5. When the chcolate is all melted, at this point you can let it cool down until you’re ready to add it to the cake. The more you let it cool the harder the ganache is going to be.
  6. Another tip while waiting, you can cut your cakes so that the shape will be more appealing. (I did not do this)
  7. Also if you made one big cake, then cut it in half (horizontally) so that we can place the second piece on top in step 10.
  8. When ready, put your bottom half cake on a wire rack and some parchment paper under the wire rack to catch the spillover of the ganach.
  9. Pour some ganache on the top. (Doesn’t matter if it’s over the sides yet)
  10. Add the other half of the cake on top.
  11. Then add more of the ganache over the cake until it is covered on top and the sides.
  12. Chop some walnuts and sprinkle over the top.

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