Raspberry Jam

Raspberry Jam

Every wanted to make your own jam? Less chemicals and maybe less sugar if you desire.


Try not to eat them all before putting them in the pot.


Adding the naughty sugar.


While boiling it smells so good.


A chilled plate to test if the jam is ready to be put in a jar.


This is the wrinkles you are looking for.


This is the wrikles zoomed in.


Goes very well with Irish Soda Bread.

  • 4 Jars of Jam
  • 15 minutes
  • 90 minutes


Raspberry Jam

  • 1kg (2.12oz) of raspberries
  • 1kg (1.76oz) of white sugar
  • 1 Lemon Juice



  1. Sterilize the jars that you are going to be putting the jam in.
  2. Put a few plates in the fridge. We will be using a chilled plate to test if the jam is ready to be bottled.

Raspberry Jam

  1. Add the raspberries to a big pot and slowly heat them up.
  2. Add the juice of a lemon.
  3. Using a masher, mash the raspberries.
  4. Add in the sugar.
  5. Bring to a boil for 10 minues.
  6. After the 10 minutes places a bit of the jam on a chilled plate. Smudge it with your fingers. If it has wrinkles then the jam is done.
  7. If you see no wrinkles then boil for another 2 minutes, check again on the plate. Repeat untill you see wrinkles in the jam after smudging.

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